London (UK), Rehovot (IL), October 17th, 2023
Vidac Pharma Holdings Plc. (SYM: T9G; ISIN: GB00BM9XQ619; WKN: A3DTUQ).
Vidac Pharma Ltd, the operational company, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Vidac Pharma Holding Plc, received in the last few days many support calls, letters and offers to help from many of its correspondents in view of the Hamas attack on civilians in Israel. Employees renounced part of their salary for the period of war, Shareholders and Management insisted on being able to buy back shares of the Company to show their confidence and solidarity.
The Company and Vidac Pharma Ltd continue their business activity and operations.
In this respect, the Management wishes to make an update on the main avenues of prospective developments of the Company in the near future.
The Company is aiming to enter a regulated stock market in Germany and submitted a Prospectus to German financial regulator Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). The Company entered an early-stage negotiations with an “Angels” group for an investment into the Company.
The Company is expecting during the next quarter first results of its collaboration work with the Sheba Hospital in Israel and with the French Company HCS. Both collaborations aim at studying its new drug candidates in complementing Immuno- oncology treatment and for treatment of solid tumors.
The Company is expecting final granting of some of its Patent Applications in important countries.
The Company is in the process of conclusion protocol with Prof. Dirschka, who is a head of Centroderm in Wuppertal for its Pre-Phase 3 in highly proliferative Actinic Keratosis. Centroderm is the designated site for this Clinical Trial.
The Company will meet Big Pharma and Funds decision makers during the next HTID5 in Paris on 24-25 of October 2023.
Taking into account all abovementioned, the Management of the Company announces that the Board Members, employees and/or shareholders of the Company are going to exercise the Company’s shares repurchase from the market under conditions set in Shares Repurchase Conditions as figures in the Company site under Investor Relations.
The following information does not constitute a public offer to sell or a solicitation to submit an offer to buy or subscribe to shares of Vidac Pharma Holding PLC, but is for informational purposes only.
Vidac Pharma Holding PLC
Dr. Max Herzberg
20-22 Wenlock Road
London N1 7GU
United Kingdom
+972 (0)779300647